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Nicole's Tools, Tips,

and Meanderings

Train to Be Healthy

wellness Jan 26, 2018
Blog title meme
I'm reminded of the many people who have asked me to help them become a bodybuilder or be skinny...and the many times I've said that I could but won't do that.
"But I can teach you to be healthy and fit," I respond.
I have so much pride for all those people who have taken a risk and, with coaching and trust, let go of their deeply rooted ideas and fantasies of what they need to do to reach this (often unhealthy) “dream."
We must remember that our bodies, inside & out, are reflections of our lifestyle. If you don't like how you feel or what those blood tests are saying, etc. it's a sign that you need to change your lifestyle. Being comfortable enough to do that for many people is another whole blog post.

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Nicole willĀ share her inspirational messages,Ā meanderings, motivation, and self-care ideas that she often has while driving or mowing the lawn. Each "Note" is a relatable thought or anecdote from real life and often inspired by personal conversations or with her clients.