Nicole's Tools, Tips,

and Meanderings

Life is Like a Rip Current.

personal development Jul 29, 2018
Blog title meme

We spend so much of life resisting, a natural response when deviated from our intended direction. Those who keep fighting life changes as if in a rip current often find themselves exhausted, unmoving, and drowning.

Sometimes it is best to go with the flow just like when stuck in a rip current. Sure, you may be diverted from your original direction but you will survive, and maybe even find a new or better path, or learn something along the way.

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Nicole willĀ share her inspirational messages,Ā meanderings, motivation, and self-care ideas that she often has while driving or mowing the lawn. Each "Note" is a relatable thought or anecdote from real life and often inspired by personal conversations or with her clients.